Tuesday, April 21, 2009


When I say, me, myself & I.
I mean it.

No one know's what goe's on in my mind.
It really is one of a kind.

No one know's what I've been through.
I don't care that no one know's.

But lack of heart from the people surrounding me, had shown me.
Not to care no longer either.

Move on. I'll be alone forever.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I never wanna hear you say, that'd you'd be better off.
Or you liked it that way.

- no ones gonna love you by Band of Horses.

Theirs more positives than negatives.
but what if the negatives over took the brain
and made them think otherwise.

Why must people experience the emotion of fear?
I wish it didn't exsist.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Since december 2006..

A time that changed my life for two years.

I refuse to let you swallow me underground with you for any longer.

Time's are good, and I can never take what I have now for granted.

I'll never forget you.

But it's about time I stopped dwelling on my past.

I will alway's love you.

23rd february 1940 - 4th december 2006